This is me being taught how to "two step" by a lovely lady.

While I am here and wrapping up my trip to the great town or city of Stillwater Oklahoma I decided to write a blog entry. This particular leg of my trip was amazing, so was my Athens journey but this one for different reasons. I drank a whole lot, party a whole lot, and saw things I never could of imagine. I saw real life cowboys. They had the legit hats and boots and belt buckles and everything. That was pretty trippy. I ate some really really good bbq. It was delicious. I enjoy hanging out with my wild friend Kevin. He is a good man with a great heart no matter what people say or do to him. I appreciate his friendship. I am writing this as he is literally verbally abusing me from 3 feet away by telling me to “Fuck myself” Which I think is why me and him click so easily. Even though the first time I met him I hated him. So many great quotes from him. “Anthony I ever tell you the time I hooked up with the voice of Dora the Explorers backpack.” “The motto for tonight is rocks on rocks on rocks.” “Definitely smoking crack tonight RIP Whitney” “We can’t eat at chilis…they’ll spit in my food” From his dislike of Asians to his womanizing Kevin definitely deserves a sit at my inner circle and I am most glad to give him one.
The great part of this trip wasn’t the copious amounts of alcohol and believe me there was copious amounts but the good times. The memories I am making. It is funny how different the way of life is down here. A funny example I can think of is the song "All I do is Win" At the part where T Pain saids, “and our hands go up” they chant the letters O S U it is the letters of their university. The first time I witness that I can tell you, it definitely left me speechless. I loved being at a house party and this girl told me, "I cant grind in there (referring to the dance floor of party) grinding is for clubs and I am not that kind of girl. The women down here are amazingly gorgeous. I do have to give them that. They are just so shelter though. It is easy to see how they are all republican and conservatives. These people really think terrorist are going to get them.
I am pretty happy I quit Haggar. I am even happier that I decided to visit Kevin. I have literally walked away from some responsibilities but I can honestly say that I am pretty happy right now. I have not one clue what the hell life has in store for me in the next couple of months before I leave for college but this one thing I know I am ready for the ride.
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