I thank God for introducing me to some great people this year. Jim and Carol Hull have opened me into their home countless times with open arms and open hearts. Jim has had an extraordinary life that just amazes me how this man is standing here today. Through his experiences he has taught me the value of acknowledging God in all your ways.
Brendan has just taken me under his wing and it’s amazing for once in my life I am not scared of the potential someone else sees in me. He said tonight, “It is his hope that within a year I should be able to do a couple of sermons at Lighthouse” That sounds crazy to me Pastor Diaz…lol let me not get ahead of myself. These are shining examples of God’s love for me.
APH is another guy I am thankful to know. Just by his example. There is also the many times where the man return my call just to talk and chat. He has prayed with me on the phone a couple of times and those acts of kindness and righteousness don't go unnoticed; not by people and certainly not by God. Even though at times he is kinda of cheesy but that's just him. I can say the man exudes God and I like that about him.
These are shining examples of Good Christians I can look to for faith and guidance and even just an open door. I try to tell people who have been hurt by Christians and churches that there are good people out there. I know I need to put my faith in God before people but there are some good people out here. There are some people who because of their faith in God I can put my faith in them.

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